Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 1

Day 1: Today I started a few different things: a diet, commitment to exercise daily, daily time with God, focusing a great deal on studying for my LCSW, and Finding Me! Diet: If you know me I am a very picky eater so diets are hard for me. I am committed to this and am not doing it for others but rather for myself. I want to eat better and pay more attention to what goes into my body. I have chosen to do Weight Watchers. I have seen where it has helped a number of people and feel it is a good solid plan for me. It will allow me to still eat the things I enjoy while watching my portions. I can successfuly say the points system is easier than you would think. I am able to track my food on my phone and know what my point value is. Yes I have stuck to my daily points!!! Exercise: When I moved to Ft. Worth I started exercising more, but was not going all the time on a daily basis. I have been blessed to have an apartment complex with a gym in it, so might as well use it. Today I worked out for over an hr. My goal is to workout daily and enjoy it! Time with God: I have found a church that I really enjoy, which was also a challenge back home in Waco. I am even attending a weekly bible study with other single 30 year old women. The study we are doing is called "Duty or Delight? knowing where you stand with God" This study has already shown me a great deal and I am only 2 weeks into it. The study has us focus on a weekly confidence booster. The two we have seen so far are 1) I Am Choosen & 2) I Am Redeemed. Not only am I committed to this study, but have choosen to begin a seperate one on my own that will allow me to focus on my relationship with God (Princess Unaware..Finding the fabulous in every day). I plan to daily spend quality time with God, building the relationship back up that I have so stupidly walked away from a different times in my life. I have struggled with a few different issues when having a relationship with God: the concept of him as my father, my desire for a family and not having one, hearing God as others do, and trusting his timing. I have prayed that through seeking a deeper relationship with him, he and I can work together on those issues. I found this last night and it showed me he is already at work (Faith in God includes Faith in his Timing). I want God to be the focus of any and all relationships, so I first must have an intimate relationship with him. LCSW: I have finsihed all supervision hours for LCSW. Now is the hard part studying for the test. I am committed to study daily and take notes to grow not only in my career, but the profession God placed me in. You are never too old to study and learn. This time is allowing me to refelect on my experience as a Social Worker and will allow me to obtain another goal in taking and passing my LCSW. Finding Me: Well that is an on going process. I feel like each of the things listed above will get me closer. I believe that life is always changing and allowing us to grow as people. I have to be honest when I say that I am not where I thought I would be at 30 years old. With that said there is a reason I am not and I can use this time to do many things. I will find who I am and will document as I go. If you are interested in following my journey along this crazy road, by all means jump on. This is a journey for myself, but I want to be able to document how it goes and look back across where I have been. So here goes this was Day 1.....many more to come!!!! Abigail Jo

Saturday, February 2, 2013


So my mom posted on Kelly's Korner for show us your singles. I am new to the Ft. Worth Area. Big Baylor Bear fan!! My family and faith are very important to me. If you have any other questions just leave a comment and I would be happy to respond and get to know you! Abigail