Sunday, September 13, 2009


As noted before my life is changing in so many ways. I could not have thought a year ago that I would be at a new job, in a new apartment on my own, or without a church home. Through these changes I have learned that each one was important for me to see simple life lessons I should have learned long ago.

1) That saying goodbye to some important people in our lives for a change that takes you forward in a career really does mean that relationship will be changed and some may even become people that are now a part of your past. No matter how hard we fight to keep those people in our lives when we are all being pulled in different directions it gets hard and hard to hold on.
2) New change is always good and along the way those changes make us stronger and more ready to face the next stage of life. I have always embraced changed but silently feared it at the same time. Each of the changes I am currently experiencing was and still is amazing and one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.
3) Realizing that my home is no longer with my mom, means I really have closed a chapter in my life. My mom has been one of the strongest and most amazing women I know. I have seen her go through a great deal of heartache and still come out ahead in life. I am proud to say that I have a part of her in me and that no matter what I do in life she will always stand by me and love me. I have grown up and am now on my own, except for Crush my adorable cat.
4) Being without a church home means I have to start all over finding a place to belong. I have only been a part of 2 churches in my 26 years of life. Both of those churches filled a need in me and helped me in my walk with God. I did not know saying goodbye to my church would mean that I would be this sad. I am excited to find a church home that can meet my current desire for God. I know God will provide the perfect church for me with many new Christian people to help in my walk.
5) The final thing I can think about right now is the sadness this weekend has brought me. The rain this weekend has been amazing, I love the sound of rain and to me it means newness and beauty. But when I thought about what this weekend was, it broke my heart. Five years ago I lost my grandmother and lost a part of who I was. My Granny was a strong and powerful woman who fought until her last breath for life. She loved my grandfather with all her heart for 50 years, which in today’s world is pretty amazing in itself. I cried a lot this weekend just thinking of her and what she taught me. She taught me about gardening, enjoying sitting on the front porch, appreciating homemade gifts (even when they are a little off), making those you love a great meal they enjoy, loving with all of your heart, and supporting your family with all you are. Nancy Ann Baker will always be the best grandmother I could have ever had and a woman I aspire to be like.

All of these lessons have gotten me where I am. At a new beginning in life, ready to take on the world.


  1. I lost my Granny 4 years ago this month, and she was my VERY best friend. I completely understand your sadness this weekend. I am sure your Granny would be very proud of you!

  2. I am very proud of the young woman you have become and your Granny would be proud of you also. This weekend has been very hard for me also but we will only get stronger through our faith knowing that one day we will see Granny again. I love you very much.
